Latest publications by RC members



Jonatan Kurzwelly and Luis Escobedo (eds.), Migrants, Thinkers, Storyteller: Negotiating Meaning and Making Life in Bloemfontein, South Africa, HSRC Press.

Michael Shapiro, Phenomenology of religious belief: media, philosophy, and the arts, Bloomsbury.



Julie Patarin-Jossec, "Photography, space artefacts and the ethnographic self", Journal of Narrative Politics, 6 (3): 5-24.

Michael Shapiro, The cinematic political: film composition as political theory, Routledge.



Roland Bleiker, "Visual autoethnography and international security: insights from the Korean DMZ”, European Journal of International Security, 4: 274-299.

Sophie Harman, Seeing Politics: Film, Visual Method, and International Relations, McGill University Press.